What's on your Mind?
Dr. Carolyn R. Leavitt
   Carolyn R. Leavitt, M.D.
 Treatment Modalities
     · Psychoanalysis
     · Psychotherapy
     · EMDR
     · Medication Management
   Practice Specialties
   Ask Dr. Leavitt
    Carolyn R. Leavitt, M.D.
    6705 SW 57th Ave, Suite 611
    Coral Gables, Florida 33143
    What's on your mind?
"Discontent is the first necessity of progress"   
Thomas A. Edison
Psychoanalysis is an intensive psychotherapy treatment for individuals who want to understand themselves better. Some people begin analysis because they are dissatisfied with aspects of themselves, their relationships, or situations they find themselves in, yet amidst great efforts they are unable to change. Other people begin analysis in pursuit of their inner self.

Psychoanalysis is a four days per week process over many years that aims to help individuals bring unconscious thoughts and feelings to conscious awareness. In psychoanalytic treatment the analytic couch is used to facilitate the individual’s attunement to his/her thoughts and feelings, and to remove visual cues from the analyst. In this way the transference can be observed and worked with more readily. Psychoanalytic treatment aims to help individuals understand their unconscious minds and through that process facilitates the transformation within the individual.
Psychoanalysis can be likened to a football game. The primary aim in football is to make a touchdown, while the primary aim in analysis is to say whatever is on your mind without editing. Just as in football there are obstacles to overcome while running for a touchdown, most people experience obstacles in analysis when trying to express their thoughts unedited.

In football it is essential to know the players blocking you from the touchdown so you can plan strategies to overcome them. Similarly, in analysis it is invaluable to recognize the obstacles (for example inhibitions, fears, anxieties, embarrassments and shame) that interfere with your ability to express any thought unedited. Often these very obstacles impact the way we feel about ourselves and the way we relate to others. Working through these obstacles is what is referred to as the analytic process.

It is the analytic process that facilitates the transformation within the individual and can lead to the resolution of symptoms.
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